Comprehensive Plan

A New Comprehensive Plan for Cutler

A Comprehensive Plan needs a community to come together to consider Cutler’s future. Comprehensive Plans are good for ten years after they are approved by the State. Our last plan was written in 1991.

Cutler has changed a lot over the last 33 years and continues to change. Having an approved Comprehensive Plan makes Cutler eligible for grants from the state and allows the town to create land use ordinances, impact fees, rate of growth, and shoreland zoning ordinances that can stand up in a court of law.

You, working through the committee, will make this plan a good one for Cutler. The committee is a totally diverse group of volunteers ready to work with Cutler residents to make a plan that meet Cutler’s needs.

We would like to have you attend our outreach and committee meetings; and you can always read our notes on this page.

We need everyone’s voice; please help us account for yours in this plan.

We have decided to start one chapter at a time, in part to learn more about what help we may need to complete the plan. We will likely need some outside help. A grant application has been submitted that could cover the cost we may want.

The most important aspect of this is your input.

We will hold public meetings and hearings; and all of our regular committee meetings are open to you, too. They are currently scheduled the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 3p to 5p at the Cutler Town Office. That may change – the best way to find out when the next meeting will be is checking our web site or call the town office.

Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting Minutes — 2024